I am trying to move all files and folders to a Bin Later folder in my home and then create an alias to Bin later on the Desktop. I have this so far but the problem is now every time i run the script the alias gets moved as well. Does anyone know when moving folders if it is possible to exclude the alias on the desktop called Bin Later?
I have problems with the alias “Bin Later” on the Desktop it fine when it first runs but when i try it again i keep getting an error to say the finder got an error because there is already an item with that name
tell application "Finder"
set myhome to path to home folder as alias
set mydesktop to path to desktop folder as alias
set thename to "Bin Later"
if not (exists folder "Bin Later" in myhome) then
make new folder at myhome with properties {name:"Bin Later"}
end if
set everyfile to every file in mydesktop
set everyfolder to every folder in mydesktop
set BinLateralias to folder "Bin Later" in myhome as alias
if not (exists BinLateralias in mydesktop) then make new alias to BinLateralias at mydesktop with properties {name:"Bin Later"}
move everyfile to folder "Bin Later" in myhome
move everyfolder to folder "Bin Later" in myhome
if (exists BinLateralias in folder "Bin Later" in myhome) then delete alias "Bin Later" in folder BinLateralias
end tell
I am basically trying to mod Adam Goldsteins script in Applescript the missing manual but guess what moving all folders on the desktop doesn’t work cheers Adam!
tell application "Finder"
if not (the folder "oldDesktop" of home exists) then
make new folder at home with properties {name:"oldDesktop"}
end if
move every file of the desktop to the folder "oldDesktop" of home
move every folder in the desktop to the folder "oldDesktop" of home
end tell