Is there a way to detect if the macbook is getting closed while the program is running? Cause i have a script setting up an ssh connection and every time i close the macbook to get it with me, the ssh connection is shut down. Now I want the programm to reconnect automatically after open the mac.
I would rather change your ssh settings than creating a script for it. You can setup ssh to reconnect after you’ve closed your macbook for a certain period of time.
This is what the ssh manual has to say about it:
So when you close your macbook for max 4 hours you can put this in you ssh config file:
[format]ServerAliveInterval 10
ServerAliveCountMax 1440 [/format]
update: to answer the question of the title of this topic:
set plistData to do shell script "ioreg -r -a -k AppleClamshellState"
tell application "System Events"
set plistItem to make new property list item with properties {text:plistData}
set plistRecord to value of plistItem
end tell
return AppleClamshellState of item 1 of plistRecord