I find it hard to check whether my Spotlight text field (upper right) is selected and what the contents are.
This is the hierarchy that I found:
application “SystemUIserver”
menu extra (menu bar item -2147483648)
AXMenu:AXSpotlightSearchGroup (menu 1)
group (group 1)
search text feild (text field 1)
…but how to refer to that in Applescript…?
Hi Eelco;
Unless, for some reason, it’s very important to detect what’s in the Spotlight dropdown, you can perform the same search from an AppleScript thus:
set A to do shell script "mdfind -onlyin / 'Eelco Houwink'"
I wrote an article about that in MacScripter.net/unScripted/
Whilst not exactly my issue, this is certainly useful for other pruposes.