First of all, I am a long time PC programmer that just made the switch - Titanium G4 15" - and loving it.
I’ve been doing some personal scripting and run into a problem with this code:
set curToDo to (first todo of myCal whose uid is myUID)
if curToDo is missing value then
set curToDo to (make todo at end of todos of myCal with properties {summary:mySummary, priority:myPriority})
end if
This is a script for iCal. What I am trying to accomplish is to find a ToDo item in a calendar with a specific UID. If that item doesn’t exist, I want to create it. The problem I am having is checking to see if setting “curToDo” actually found anything. Anytime I try to do any check on the variable “curToDo” if there was no match, I get a “variable is not defined” error. If there is a match, the remainder of my code (not listed here) runs fine. In Visual Basic and other languages, I would do something like: “if IsNull(curToDo) then …”.
What am I doing wrong here?