I want to resolve an alias to determine what class the target is. For example,
tell app "finder"
repeat with file_ in items of desktop
class of (contents of file_) -- returns alias
end repeat
end tell
Can anyone help?
I want to resolve an alias to determine what class the target is. For example,
tell app "finder"
repeat with file_ in items of desktop
class of (contents of file_) -- returns alias
end repeat
end tell
Can anyone help?
This may work:
tell application "Finder" to original item of alias "whatever:file" as alias
info for result
First, your original code errors for me on Mac OS X 10.3.2:
tell application "Finder"
repeat with file_ in items of desktop
return class of (contents of file_) -- returns alias
end repeat
end tell
on error the_error
return the_error
end try
-->"Finder got an error: Can't get class of item 1 of every item of desktop."
but this works and returns the proper class values, incorporating jj’s code and testing for missing original items:
tell application "Finder"
set the_classes to {}
set the_items to (items of desktop)
repeat with this_item in the_items
set this_class to class of (contents of this_item)
try --in case the Finder can't find the original item
if this_class = alias file then set this_class to class of (original item of (contents of this_item))
on error
set this_class to missing value
end try
set end of the_classes to this_class
end repeat
end tell
return the_classes
on error the_error
return the_error
end try
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