Dialog to count down delay

how would i make a diaolg that tells you how much time is left before a delay command is over or any other pause typ ccommand thingy?

When a script is delayed, it can’t do anything until the delay is over (unless you use Extra Suites or something similar to throw up a progress bar before the delay starts). You could use a dialog that keeps updating as it provides the delay but it isn’t the ideal solution.

set countdown to 10
repeat countdown times
	display dialog "delay over in " & countdown giving up after 1
	set countdown to countdown - 1
end repeat

– Rob

This seems to keep in sync with the clock on my 'puter, but I haven’t tried it for longer count-downs…

say “10”
delay 0.25
say “9”
delay 0.25
say “8”
delay 0.25
say “7”
delay 0.25
say “6”
delay 0.25
say “5”
delay 0.25
say “4”
delay 0.25
say “3”
delay 0.25
say “2”
delay 0.25
say “1”
delay 0.25
say “times up”