Different computer issues [GUI scripting]

I’m teaching a student of mine some basics of Apple Script and we’re running into an issue using “System Events” that’s not making sense to me. On my personal laptop (Mac OS X version 10.4.8, Processor 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) the following code works just fine:

tell application "Safari"
	tell application "System Events"
		tell process "Safari"
			set x to properties of button 1 of window 1
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

and my output looks as expected:

{position:{113, 27}, maximum value:missing value, name:missing value, size:{14, 16}, subrole:“AXCloseButton”, class:button, minimum value:missing value, enabled:true, selected:missing value, role:“AXButton”, help:missing value, title:missing value, value:missing value, entire contents:{}, description:“close button”, focused:false, orientation:missing value}

Running the same exact script on the school’s computer (Mac OS X version 10.4.9, Processor 800 MHz PowerPC G4), even in the administrator’s account, we get the following error:

AppleScript Error
System Events got an error:
NSReceiverEvaluationScriptError: 4

Both computers are running AppleScript 1.10.7. The computer support person has no idea what the problem could be. Any help would be appreciated.

I’m not sure if that’s even GUI scripting but if it is make sure it is enabled on both computers.

Great! Yes, that was it. Sometimes you forget the most the basic step. Thanks hendo.

Haha, I do that alllllll the time. Glad I could help;)