Dirty code: Flash 2004 -> Flash MX automation

You can save this code as droplet and drop there swf and fla files. Configure the destination directory in the first line. Fla files will be saved as MX (flash 6) and swf files will be simply copied.
Most probably, you must adaptate the code, since it is tricky, dirty, ugly and so on, but the only way so far I’ve found to automate the process of saving thousands of flash 7 docs to flash 6. It requires OS 10.3, UI Scripting and Default Folder X. The DF requirement could be workarounded using also System Events, but… Or perhaps you don’t even need the line of code, since the working directory is suppossed to be changed with the “defaults write” thing, but… Well, adaptate it if you need. It is not very fast, but at least I can drink coffee while the machine does its job. :wink:

  • No, JSFL scripting does not support save-as with parameters.
    ** Most probably Flash 8 will be the first scriptable version [hopes].
property targetDir : alias "path:to:backup:dir:"

on open l
	repeat with i in l
		set thingName to pathName(i)
		set parentName to pathName(pathParent(i))
			set destDir to alias ((targetDir as text) & parentName)
		on error
			do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of ((targetDir as text) & parentName)
			tell application "Finder" to update targetDir
			set destDir to alias ((targetDir as text) & parentName)
			tell application "Finder" to set destURL to URL of destDir
			--> change save directory in Flash
			do shell script "defaults delete com.macromedia.flash.7 'AppleNavServices:PutFile:0:Path';" & ¬
				"defaults write com.macromedia.flash.7 'AppleNavServices:PutFile:0:Path' " & quoted form of destURL & ";" & ¬
				"defaults delete com.macromedia.flash.7 'AppleNavServices:PutFile:0:HomeDirectoryPath';" & ¬
				"defaults write com.macromedia.flash.7 'AppleNavServices:PutFile:0:HomeDirectoryPath' " & quoted form of destURL
		end try
		if (i as text) ends with ".fla" then
			--> open thing
			tell application "Finder" to open i
			-- delay 1
			--> perform save-as
			tell application "System Events"
				tell process "Flash"
					set frontmost to true
					repeat while not (exists window thingName)
						delay 0.2
					end repeat
					keystroke "S" using {shift down, command down}
					repeat 8 times
						keystroke tab using {shift down, option down}
					end repeat
					keystroke space
					repeat 3 times
						keystroke (ASCII character 31)
					end repeat
					keystroke space
					repeat while (not (exists sheet 1 of window thingName))
						delay 0.2
					end repeat
					tell application "Default Folder X BG" to SwitchToFolder destDir --> just in case
					delay 0.2
					key code 76 --keystroke (ASCII character 13)
						if not (exists sheet 1 of window thingName) then exit repeat
						delay 0.2
					end repeat
					keystroke "w" using command down -- my execClose() -- keystroke "W" using command down
				end tell
			end tell
		else if (i as text) ends with ".swf" then
			do shell script "cp " & quoted form of POSIX path of i & space & quoted form of POSIX path of destDir
		end if
	end repeat
end open

to pathParent(f)
	set f to f as Unicode text
	if f does not contain ":" then set f to POSIX file f as Unicode text
	set prevTids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
	if f ends with ":" then
		set fParent to "" & text items 1 thru -3 of f & ":"
		set fParent to "" & text items 1 thru -2 of f & ":"
	end if
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevTids
	alias fParent
end pathParent
to pathName(f)
	set f to f as Unicode text
	if f does not contain ":" then set f to POSIX file f as Unicode text
	set prevTids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
	if f ends with ":" then
		set fName to item -2 of f's text items
		set fName to item -1 of f's text items
	end if
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevTids
end pathName
to execClose()
		"/tmp/execClose.jsfl" as POSIX file as text as alias
		tell application "Finder" to open result using application file id "com.macromedia.flash.7"
	on error
		set f to (open for access ("/tmp/execClose.jsfl" as POSIX file) with write permission)
		write "d=fl.getDocumentDOM();
if (! d) {
	alert('Please, open a document before running this command!');
} else {

function doIt(){
}" to f
		close access f
	end try
end execClose