Display dialog over network

Ok well l got this script from my bother he said it should work though l don’t can some one check it for me??

tell apps of machine "Machinename"
	display dialog "Test"
end tell

well he said to put this

tell apps of computer "machine name"
	display dialog "Test"
end tell

but l changed it cause it didn’t work
have a try aroung l’m on a single com so it dosen’t work for me

I’m connecting to myself; I’m still getting this error when trying to use display dialog:

Does it work for anybody else?

Edit: I was using something like this to test it:

tell application "Finder" of machine "eppc://username:password@"
	beep 2
	display dialog "Test"
end tell

I tried this and got the same response as Bruce. Along with that, you need a user name and a password.

tell application "Finder"
	tell machine "name" to tell it's application "Finder" to display dialog "Hi"
end tell



well l’m trying not to use the ip as there is about 180 computers in the school and like only 4, 5 routers so l miht send it to like 40somputers, and that would be awkard
um…l’ll try it at school on moday, and modifiy this script a little more, if l can
and the user name for the school com in : student and there is no password ,it’s just a leave blank password
thanx for trying


Then use the host name instead

tell application "Finder" of machine "eppc://username:password@tiger.local"

l don’t think this com is tiger
actually l have no idea
but good idea

I’m not sure what you mean. The OS version has nothing to do with what I said; My machine is just named “tiger.”

right well my bad l though you meant for some reason that your version was tiger, anywho


Ive been trying something similar to display a warning dialog before remote shutdown but with no luck =[

tell application "finder" of machine ""
display dialog "Shuting down now"
delay 10
do shell script "shutdown -h now"

i get asked to authenticate, but when i do it comes up with an error saying that remote access isnt allowed, ive allowed it throught the sharing pane but with no luck.

any ideas?

I haven’t used this, but it looks attractive for this problem: Remote-Growl, and the price is right.

For the dialog part you could use

using terms from application "System Events"
	tell application "System Events" of machine theMach --"eppc://yourName:passw@local_ip"
		tell (some application whose frontmost is true) --  or "SystemUIserver"
			display dialog "Hello"
		end tell
	end tell
end using terms from

Once again, the release notes have the answer:

It does not work as of AppleScript 1.10 (OS X 10.4).

The remote growl link now works (I wrote to the guy), but it’s installation requires shell scripting.

I haven’t tried it yet (i’m gonna test it on my work today) but just for being on the save site :wink:

You have put the ‘Apple Events’ - ‘Sharing’ - ‘System Preferences’ of the remote machine to on, otherwise you can’t let work the remote applescripts.
I guess that’s the reason you get the “remote access isnt allowed” error.