Display Panel Example Crashing (Mac OS X 10.5.8 Xcode 3.1.2.)

When I created a panel in my app, I saw the -to my eye- weird behavior that if a panel gets displayed, the menu items & toolbar items get disabled (probably more too). To see if it was default behavior I checked the Display Panel example and displayed a panel -no sheet- and then clicked the cancel button without changing anything. The error was

No result was returned from some part of this expression. (-2673)

and the weird menu/toolbar items disabling thing was there too. So to double checked I opened the installer of Xcode (3.1.2) and extracted the Display Panel example. This gave the same error…

I’m running 10.5.8 (PowerPC) & Xcode 3.1.2. Anyone else having troubles ?

I ran the example and clicked the “edit” button with “no panel” selected and yes, I got the same error when I click “cancel” in the displayed panel. Not sure what’s going on, it could just be an unimplemented handler that it expects or something.

I ran it with Xcode 3.1.3 too and it also crashes there. To my eye everything in the script looks OK although I can’t seem to debug it…

I fixed the ignoring of the menu etc. by using:

set visible of window "myWindow" to true

I know it’s probably not the correct syntax but it seems to work…