Displaying movie titles in Word document

Okay, here’s another thing I don’t quite understand:

repeat 10 times
	tell application "QuickTime Player"
		set annot_artist to full text of annotation "artist" of document 1
		set annot_title to full text of annotation "information" of document 1
		set annot_class to full text of annotation "description" of document 1
	end tell
	tell application "Microsoft Word"
		tell active document
			if content of text object is not annot_title & return & return & annot_artist & return & return & annot_class then
				set content of text object to ""
				set content of text object to annot_title & return & return & annot_artist & return & return & annot_class
end if
		end tell
		delay 5
	end tell
end repeat

What I’m trying to do is to look at the specified annotation properties in the quicktime movie that is currently playing, then display them in a word file. Eventually, I want to have this running all day and it would be used to constantly update (every 5 seconds or so) an information screen pertaining to whatever movie is currently playing.

Right now I’m just trying to get it to work for a short period of time during which I select different movies to make sure it’s working.

The problem I was having was that every time it resets the annotation, the text flashes on and off in the Word file, so I tried to add an if_then_else statement so it would only update the text if the variables had changed. Obviously, I don’t quite understand the if_then_else statement. When I try to add an “else” right before the if then and compile it, it gets rid of it. I thought “else” was used to tell the program where to go if the if statement is false.

This script runs, but the text still flashes every five seconds.

Any ideas?


  • Bruce