do shell - syntax

Hi Folks,

can someone help me with the correct syntax for:

set provider to do shell script "screen /dev/cu.HUAWEIMobile-Modem"

then - in the “screen application” the following should be entered

terminate the application

The output should be saved in the variable provider…

Thanks for your suggestions…


hi stephan,

this looks like a job for Expect. you should be able to open the “screen” program with Expect, and then ‘send’ the commands you want. the wikipedia article has some pretty good examples that should get you going. the way i’ve done this in the past is to write my Expect script to the drive on the fly, then call it from AppleScript and then delete the Expect script. here is an example using the Unix command ‘passwd’:

--we set the contents of our Expect script here

property myExpect : "#!/usr/bin/expect 
spawn passwd [lindex \\$argv 0]
set password [lindex \\$argv 1]
expect \"password:\"
send \"\\$password\\r\"
expect \"password:\"
send \"\\$password\\r\"
expect eof"

set getUsers to (do shell script "/usr/bin/nireport / /users name uid | grep \"5[0-9][0-9]\"")

set howMany to number of paragraphs in getUsers
set theUsers to {missing value}
set i to 1
repeat while i ≤ howMany
	if i = 1 then
		set theUsers to word 1 of paragraph i of getUsers as list
		set theUsers to (theUsers & word 1 of paragraph i of getUsers)
	end if
	set i to (i + 1)
end repeat

set myUser to (choose from list theUsers)

if myUser is not false then
end if

on doPass(myUser)
	set myPass to text returned of (display dialog "Please give the password you want to use" default answer "" with hidden answer)
	set myVerPass to text returned of (display dialog "Please give the password again to confirm" default answer "" with hidden answer)
	if myPass is myVerPass then --the next line writes the Expect script.  you'll need admin privileges to put it in /tmp
		do shell script "/bin/cat > /tmp/expectPass << EOF 
" & myExpect & "
EOF" with administrator privileges
		do shell script "/bin/chmod +x /tmp/expectPass" with administrator privileges  --this changes the permissions of the Expect script
		do shell script "/tmp/expectPass " & myUser & space & myPass with administrator privileges  --this calls the Expect script with our dynamic arguments
		do shell script "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/expectPass" with administrator privileges  --this removes the expect script
		display dialog "User " & myUser & "'s password has been changed."
		set tryAgain to button returned of (display dialog "The passwords do not match.  Please try again." buttons {"Ok", "Cancel"} default button "Ok")
		if tryAgain is "Ok" then
		end if
	end if
end doPass


hi stephan,

i had a little more time so i fleshed out what i think this should look like. i can’t test, as i don’t have the hardware. just be aware that this may need some tweeking:

property myExpect : "#!/usr/bin/expect 
spawn screen [lindex \\$argv 0]
set theCommand [lindex \\$argv 1]
send \"\\$theCommand\\r\"
expect eof"

set myProvider to "/dev/cu.HUAWEIMobile-Modem"
set myCommand to "at+caps?"

do shell script "/bin/cat > /tmp/expectModem << EOF 
" & myExpect & "
EOF" with administrator privileges

do shell script "/bin/chmod +x /tmp/expectModem" with administrator privileges
set theProvider to (do shell script "/tmp/expectModem " & myProvider & space & myCommand with administrator privileges)

do shell script "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/expectModem" with administrator privileges --this removes the expect script

EDITED: i saw an error.

Hi Waltr,

perfect - thanks a lot for your effort!

but - to make life much easier I have found a tool to script a modem, send at commands,…

its an applescript addition and works pretty fine! When I am finished with my project I will
post the complete source…



PS: I will post the link later…

Don’t keep us in suspense - what’s the tool?
