Does anyone know how to set the text color of an item of a list?

Does anyone know how to set the text color of an item of a list, so that whenever that item is displayed in some fashion it appears in the set color?



Displayed in color where? In an application? In your script code? What are you talking about?


I would like the colored text to show up in a data cell of a table (I realize that is Applescript Studio, but thought it would translate over to this list). So, given a list of items {“a”,“b”,“c”}, I would like to turn “c” blue and display the items in a table in my AS Studio application. Any ideas?



Try searching (and posting) in the proper forum.


Please excuse my mistake. I thought that my original question about changing the text color of an item of a list was appropriate for this forum. The further implementation of that list in AS Studio was not a concern at this point.

I will try the AS Studio list, anyway.

