does compile not working ?

Hi guys !!!

on get_input()
	display dialog ("Create or view a playlist of all the tunes") ¬
		& (" in your iTunes library having a common theme.") & return & return ¬
		& ("Enter the theme as a word or phrase:") ¬
		default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "View", "Create"} default button "Create"
	return result
end get_input

Should i not see a dialog box when i run the script ?


Call, and it will be given to you.

get_input() of me

on get_input()
	display dialog ("Create or view a playlist of all the tunes") ¬
		& (" in your iTunes library having a common theme.") & return & return ¬
		& ("Enter the theme as a word or phrase:") ¬
		default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "View", "Create"} default button "Create"
	return result
end get_input

If you have currently frontmost application not Script Editor, but some other app, then display dialog window will remain on the background. As here:

tell application "Safari" to activate

get_input() of me

on get_input()
	display dialog ("Create or view a playlist of all the tunes") ¬
		& (" in your iTunes library having a common theme.") & return & return ¬
		& ("Enter the theme as a word or phrase:") ¬
		default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "View", "Create"} default button "Create"
	return result
end get_input

To fix the problem, you should make Script Editor frontmost before calling the handler:

tell application "Safari" to activate

tell me to activate
get_input() of me

on get_input()
	display dialog ("Create or view a playlist of all the tunes") ¬
		& (" in your iTunes library having a common theme.") & return & return ¬
		& ("Enter the theme as a word or phrase:") ¬
		default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "View", "Create"} default button "Create"
	return result
end get_input