Downlad File & Burn To Disc

Hi there,

I have played with applescript before, but never written anything of significance. I am trying to write a script to:

  1. download a ZIP file that is large (~500MB)
  2. burn it to disc

I was able to find scripts on this site to download a remote file to a local folder. What I’m having trouble understanding is how to make the disc burn wait for the file download to complete. In other words, once I have a file download started what should I do?

Any advice?

Thank you!

It might be useful to know what application or method ou use for the download - in order to verify if that has completed, stalled, was unsuccesfull or whatever.
If you want to use the Finder to duplicate the result, assuming that it is ready and complete,

tell application "Finder" to duplicate alias (path to the file) to (path to the disc)

You may open FInder’s dictionary to see the specifics.