download problem

The following code works fine for html files, but not for .plist files, even they are zipped. Anyone knows a workaround?

set sourcePath to ""
--set sourcePath to ""
set destinationPath to "Macintosht HD:Users:userName:Desktop:Test.plist"
tell application "URL Access Scripting"
	download sourcePath to destinationPath replacing yes 
end tell

If I drag and drop the .plist files by hand from my ftp server, it works fine, are the settings for my server wrong?

Does this work?

do shell script "cd ~/Desktop; curl -O [url=]"[/url]

This is great advice. When all else fails with browsers, Curl seems to manage every time. Very powerful way to get html if you want to parse the source for data too.

Yes, this works fine. Thanks!!!
But not for my .plist files, I have to make .zip to download them…:lol: