Drag modifiers?

Using Xcode 2.1, is there any way to specify a drop/drag modifier? I searched here and couldn’t find it. For example: Someone hold’s option down while dragging it to the image well, it bypasses confirmation?

sorry for so many questions, I’ve never worked with drag and drop much before :slight_smile:

I don’t think the drag info record contains any modifier or keyboard information. However, you can attach a “mouse entered” handler to your image view. The mouse entered event does contain the modifier information you want and you can get it like so:

property command_key_down: false
property control_key_down: false
property option_key_down: false
property shift_key_down: false

on mouse entered the_object event the_event
	tell the_event to set {command_key_down, control_key_down, option_key_down, shift_key_down} to {command key down, control key down, option key down, shift key down}
end mouse entered


Did you write the book on AppleScript? Because if you didn’t, you should’ve.


[code]property option_key_down : false

on mouse entered theObject event theEvent
tell theEvent to set {option_key_down} to {option key down}
if the name of theObject = “theWell” and option_key_down then
set option_key_down to true
end if
end mouse entered

on drop theObject drag info dragInfo
if option_key_down then
display dialog “1”
set option_key_down to false
display dialog “2”
set option_key_down to false
end if
end drop[/code]
Seems to work fine, so I’m going to try it out in my actual application. I just may have to post it here when I’m done. :slight_smile:

Your code can be simplified to just:

property option_key_down : false

on mouse entered theObject event theEvent
	tell theEvent to set option_key_down to option key down
end mouse entered

on drop theObject drag info dragInfo
	if option_key_down then
		display dialog "1"
		display dialog "2"
	end if
	set option_key_down to false
end drop


Yeah, I noticed that now. I wrote the above at 3 AM (>.<)

But at least it worked right? haha…

You can do it without using a “mouse entered” event:

on drop theObject drag info dragInfo
	set option_key_down to option key down of my event
	if option_key_down then
	end if

You can do it on most events like “on clicked” or “on open” - but “on open” will error out on launch, subsequent opens will work fine however.