drop-in script

This is a script that I found on the net and I thought if I add the “on open” command will make it work. It doesn’t seem to generate and error.

Could anyone suggest a code to make it work and why it doesn’t work.

on open target_folder

tell application "Finder"
	set files_ to count files of entire contents of target_folder
	set folders_ to count folders of entire contents of target_folder
	display dialog ("Path: " & POSIX path of target_folder) & return & return & ¬
		"Files: " & files_ & return & "Sub-folders: " & folders_ & return & ¬
		"Total ItemCount: " & (files_ + folders_) buttons ¬
		{"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 5
end tell

end open

Not your fault, the input just needed to be coerced as alias.

on open target_folder
	tell application "Finder"
		set files_ to count files of entire contents of (target_folder as alias)
		set folders_ to count folders of entire contents of (target_folder as alias)
		display dialog "Path: " & (POSIX path of target_folder) & "
" & "Files: " & files_ & "
" & "Sub-folders: " & folders_ & "
" & "Total ItemCount: " & (files_ + folders_) buttons {"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 5
	end tell
end open


the parameter of the open command is always a list of aliases

on open target_folder
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with oneFolder in target_folder
			if class of item (oneFolder as text) is folder then -- check the class of the item
				set files_ to count files of entire contents of oneFolder
				set folders_ to count folders of entire contents of oneFolder
				display dialog ("Path: " & POSIX path of oneFolder) & return & return & ¬
					"Files: " & files_ & return & "Sub-folders: " & folders_ & return & ¬
					"Total ItemCount: " & (files_ + folders_) buttons ¬
					{"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 5
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end open

this method will cause an error while dropping more than one item.

I know, don’t think that more than 1 will but yeah.

Many thank to you Richard.


The book didn’t mention anything about the open command parameters.

Thank you so much Stefan. You are always helpful

Best regards,