With my satellite ISP, I have an additional data allotment between the hours of 2am-8am on top of the normal monthly data cap. I generally keep Dropbox syncing paused until sometime in the middle of the night and then allow it to sync. Currently, I unpause Dropbox before bed, and then in Energy Saver, set a schedule to wake my computer at 4am and then sleep again at 5am. When I use my computer the next day, I then pause Dropbox again as soon I as I wake it.
Is it possible to write a script to unpause Dropbox at 4:01am and then pause at 4:59am?
It’s also important that the script only run when connected to a specific wifi network.
Thanks for any help/advice.
Model: Macbook Pro
Browser: Firefox 46.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.10)