droplet error variable not defined. but it is...?

-- preferences
property max_dimension : "1500"
property resolution_ppi : ""
property photoshop_option : "0"
property color_mode : ""
property flatten_option : "0"

on open draggeditems
	repeat with currentFile in draggeditems
			tell application "Image Events"
				set drehZahl to 0
				set currentImage to open currentFile
				copy dimensions of currentImage to {currentWidth, currentHeight}
				if max_dimension is not 0 then
					if currentWidth is greater than currentHeight then
						scale currentImage to size max_dimension
						rotate currentImage to angle 90
						scale currentImage to size max_dimension
						set drehZahl to 1
					end if
					if drehZahl is 1 then
						rotate currentImage to angle -90
					end if
				end if
				save currentImage with icon
				close currentImage
			end tell
	end repeat
end open

i can’t figure it out with this script i sometimes get the error of “variable currentImage not defined” it seems to happen at at random intervals. this is just a snippet of the code. i would gladly post the entire xcode project.

any clues? what am i doing wrong


My guess would be that currentFile isn’t being opened (during the loop in which that error occurs).

i didn’t even think of that. do you have any recommendations as to how i could fix it?


Hi Ken,

Image Events is a bit tricky to handle.
I suggest to add launch to run Image Events explicitly
and an error handler to release the current image properly

-- preferences
property max_dimension : "1500"
property resolution_ppi : ""
property photoshop_option : "0"
property color_mode : ""
property flatten_option : "0"

on open draggeditems
	tell application "Image Events"
		repeat with currentFile in draggeditems
				set drehZahl to 0
				set currentImage to open currentFile
				copy dimensions of currentImage to {currentWidth, currentHeight}
				if max_dimension is not 0 then
					if currentWidth is greater than currentHeight then
						scale currentImage to size max_dimension
						rotate currentImage to angle 90
						scale currentImage to size max_dimension
						set drehZahl to 1
					end if
					if drehZahl is 1 then
						rotate currentImage to angle -90
					end if
				end if
				save currentImage with icon
				close currentImage
			on error e
				log e
					close image 1
				end try
			end try
		end repeat
	end tell
end open

stefan. that seems to have worked. thanks. i’ll post a link to to the actual app (which is more alpha than alpha)



here’s the link to the app. it’s very alpha. and i’m hoping to get it to work without using photoshop. any bugs or suggestions let me know.
