Droplet to Convert iWork files into PDFs and attach to Entourage msg

A droplet/app that converts any (iWork 08/09) .pages .numbers .keynote file dragged onto it into a PDF, and then attaches the resulting PDF file to a new Entourage email msg.

Resulting PDF is automatically trashed from the HD once the email msg is sent.

BONUS: If the Droplet/app could convert .doc and .xls to PDFs also, that would be huge.

AWESOME: If the droplet could convert ANY format to PDF and attach it to a new email- FANTASTIC!

I found a script - (referenced below) that does the conversion, and saves the output PDF to the desktop. Currently you have to drag the output PDF from the desktop to the dock icon for Entourage to attach it to a new msg and then you have to trash the file once you have sent the msg. I would like to fully automate the process, since it is done frequently. My thought is to add to this script the attaching to Entourage, and change the output PDF location to a Temp folder whose contents get automatically trashed after hours (that can be a separate folder action script.)

The current script is saved as an app and dragged to the finder toolbar for easy access-files can be browsed and dragged over the icon in the toolbar and converted.

===================START SCRIPT===========
on open theFiles

-- check to see which iWork apps are running to begin with
set pagesRunning to false
set numbersRunning to false
set keynoteRunning to false

tell application "System Events"
	if exists process "Pages" then set pagesRunning to true
	if exists process "Numbers" then set numbersRunning to true
	if exists process "Keynote" then set keynoteRunning to true
end tell

set pagesStarted to pagesRunning
set numbersStarted to numbersRunning
set keynoteStarted to keynoteRunning

repeat with aFile in theFiles
	-- prepare name manipulation
	set theInfo to (info for (aFile))
	set theExtension to name extension of (theInfo)
	set theName to name of (theInfo)
	set theOriginalName to theName
	-- remove extension
	set prevTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "." & theExtension as string
	set theName to first text item of theName
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevTIDs
	-- prepare desktop folder path and name
	set myDesktop to (path to desktop folder) as Unicode text
	set docPathAndName to myDesktop & theName & ".pdf"
	-- cases for conversions
	if (theExtension is equal to "pages") then -- Pages to Word
		tell application "Pages"
			-- check if document is already open
			set targetDocument to null
			repeat with aDoc in documents
				if (name of aDoc) is equal to theOriginalName then set targetDocument to aDoc
			end repeat
			-- if not, open it
			if targetDocument is null then
				open aFile
				set fileOpened to true
				set targetDocument to front document
				set fileOpened to false
			end if
			-- convert it
			save targetDocument as "SLDocumentTypePDF" in docPathAndName
			-- close it if necessary
			if fileOpened then close targetDocument saving no
		end tell
		set pagesStarted to true
	else if (theExtension is equal to "numbers") then -- Numbers to Excel
		tell application "Numbers"
			-- check if document is already open
			set targetDocument to null
			repeat with aDoc in documents
				if (name of aDoc) is equal to theOriginalName then set targetDocument to aDoc
			end repeat
			-- if not, open it
			if targetDocument is null then
				open aFile
				set fileOpened to true
				set targetDocument to front document
				set fileOpened to false
			end if
			-- convert it
			save targetDocument as "LSDocumentTypePDF" in docPathAndName
			-- close it if necessary
			if fileOpened then close targetDocument saving no
		end tell
		set numbersStarted to true
	else if (theExtension is equal to "key") then -- Keynote to PPT
		-- delete the file, if it exists, so it can be recreated
		tell application "Finder"
			if docPathAndName exists then delete docPathAndName
		end tell
		-- now make sure Keynote has the file open
		tell application "Keynote"
			-- check if document is already open
			set targetDocument to null
			repeat with aDoc in slideshows
				if (name of aDoc) is equal to theOriginalName then set targetDocument to aDoc
				activate targetDocument
			end repeat
			-- if not, open it
			if targetDocument is null then
				open aFile
				set fileOpened to true
				set targetDocument to front slideshow
				set fileOpened to false
			end if
		end tell
		-- convert it, by GUI scripting
		tell application "System Events"
			tell process "Keynote"
				set frontmost to true
				click menu item "Export." of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
				repeat until sheet 1 of window 1 exists
				end repeat
				tell sheet 1 of window 1
					click button "PDF" of tool bar 1
					click radio button "Slides" of radio group 1
					if value of checkbox "Print each stage of builds" = 1 then
						click checkbox "Print each stage of builds"
					end if
					click button "Next."
				end tell
				repeat until button "Export" of sheet 1 of window 1 exists
				end repeat
				tell sheet 1 of window 1
					-- switch to desktop folder
					keystroke "d" using command down
					click button "Export"
				end tell
				delay 3 -- wait for the export to finish
			end tell
		end tell
		tell application "Keynote"
			-- close document if necessary
			if fileOpened then close targetDocument saving no
		end tell
		set keynoteStarted to true
	end if
end repeat

-- close any iWork apps that were not open to begin with
if pagesStarted and not pagesRunning then tell application "Pages" to quit
if numbersStarted and not numbersRunning then tell application "Numbers" to quit
if keynoteStarted and not keynoteRunning then tell application "Keynote" to quit

end open

============END SCRIPT===============