Droplet to Process folders with similar folder structures

Hi, my applescripting is rusty so any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m trying to create a droplet that will process folders of content to be used in Poser 2014 purchased via 3rd party merchants. It’s often a crapshoot whether or not the content is properly formatted to take advantage of Poser’s built-in content installer feature. When it’s not, you have to manually move a bunch of files/folders and it’s tedious. If it’s tedious, a computer should be able to do it for you, right?

The problem is the inconsistency of how content creators package their products. Typically a piece of purchased content will arrive in a folder called ‘Runtime’. There is a default folder structure for Runtime, and any content will contain at least one, if not all, of the expected folders. You just need to move the subfolders inside to their corresponding folder/subfolders in your Poser Content Library. The problem is often in the subfolders – that’s where things get inconsistent.

Here’s a basic folder structure of purchased content:

Runtime >

   > Geometries

   > Libraries
         > Character
              > BobCharacter
                  .... files files files

         > Morphs
              > BobCharacter
                  .... files files files
         > Pose
              > BobCharacter
                  .... files files files

   > Textures
              > BobCharacter
                  .... files files files

Poser has a content folder with Geometries, Libraries (>Character >Morph etc.), Textures, etc. and you just copy the custom folders (BobCharacter in the above example) to your Poser Content folder and maintain the folder structure.

Occasionally, however, you’ll get content with a folder structure where the merchant places the custom content inside an additional folder named after the artist, so like this:

Runtime >

   > Geometries

   > Libraries
         > Character
                     > BobCharacter
                        .... files files files

         > Morphs
                     > BobCharacter
                        .... files files files
         > Pose
                     > BobCharacter
                        .... files files files

   > Textures
                     > BobCharacter
                        .... files files files

This isn’t a problem unless you’ve already got other content by JaneContentArtist in your Poser Library, so the script would need to be able to respond to a “This file/folder already exists” error message and know to grab any files/folders inside the duplicate folder and move those items into the eponymous destination folder.

Here’s my first pass, but I keep getting an error (pasted below code snippet):

on open newRuntime
	set subFolderCount to count folders of newRuntime
	repeat with i from 1 to subFolderCount
		set currentSubFolder to name of item i
		set subSubFolderCount to count folders of currentSubFolder
		repeat with j from 1 to subSubFolderCount
			set currentSubSubFolder to name of item j
			set destinFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:Shared:Poser Pro 2014 Content:Downloads:Runtime:" & currentSubFolder & ":" & currentSubSubFolder
			tell application "Finder"
					move currentSubSubFolder to destinFolder
				on error errMsg number errNum
					if errNum = -15267 then
						set currentSubSubSubFolderCount to count folders of currentSubSubFolder
						set currentSubSubSubFolder to name of item 1 of currentSubSubFolder
						set destinFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:Shared:Poser Pro 2014 Content:Downloads:Runtime:" & currentSubFolder & ":" & currentSubSubFolder & ":" & currentSubSubSubFolder
						tell application "Finder"
							move currentSubSubSubFolder to destinFolder
						end tell
					end if
				end try
			end tell
		end repeat
	end repeat
end open

The error I get is "Can’t get folders of {alias “Macintosh HD…”} ----- (the path of the dropped folder).

Any ideas?

Many thanks!!

folder is Finder (or System Events) terminology . You have to wrap the code in a Finder tell block