Is it possible to create a separator dynamically in a popup menu? I have searched and no one has a solution.
It takes some Obj-C code to do this.
TWSeparator.h file:
/* TWSeparator */
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface TWSeparator : NSObject {}
+(void)createSeparatorItem:(NSMenu *)theMenu;
TWSeparator.m file:
#import “TWSeparator.h”
@implementation TWSeparator
+(void)createSeparatorItem:(NSMenu *)theMenu {
[theMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
This is a handler that I used in an application I wrote. “theStrings” is a property list containing all the menu item titles I want for the popup button. Anytime “–” is encountered in the list, a separator item is created.
to BuildPopupMenus(thePopup)
delete every menu item of menu of thePopup
repeat with x in theStrings
if contents of x = "--" then
tell menu of thePopup
set s to call method "createSeparatorItem:" of class "TWSeparator" with parameter it
end tell
make new menu item at the end of menu items of menu of thePopup with properties {title:x, enabled:true}
end if
end repeat
end BuildPopupMenus
Hope this helps,
Brad Bumgarner, CTA
There is a search feature at macscripter, located in the navigation bar at the top of the page, that you should try before posting another duplicate thread. A simple search for “menu separator” turned up two solid hits with this same code…
No wonder I didn’t find those links, I searched for “popup AND separatER”:lol:
Brad Bumgarner, CTA
Thank you very much.
The first link is perfect.