Dynamically create new lists?

Sorry for the beginner question but …

How do I create a new list based on the items of another list?

for example

set isoImageDate to projectYear & delimiter & projectMonth & delimiter & projectDay as string

I now want to file a list of images within each item of the isoImageDate list (which changes on each loop).

How can I set 2010-08-25, 2010-08-26, 2010-08-27 to be 3 separate lists?

Thanks for the time.

set end of can append items to the end of a list like this:

set newList to {} --make a new empty list

repeat with x from 1 to 10
set end of newList to x --append a new item to the list

return newList 

My first script … sorry for the mess.

Rather than have the move command from the section
– File the photos into the corresponding project
included in the loop, I would like to assign the list of images who meet the criteria to the corresponding item of the isoUniqueDateList. I would then like to move them all at once at the end of the script. I think that will make it faster ?!?!

Any other suggestions on style, speed, saving steps would be appreciated!

tell application "Aperture"
	set imageSel to selection
	if imageSel is {} then
		error "Please select a Project from the Library tab in the sidebar and try again."
		set imageSel to item 1 of imageSel
		tell imageSel
			set projSel to id of parent
		end tell
		set imageList to every image version of project id projSel
		set dateList to the value of EXIF tag "ImageDate" of every image version of project id projSel
		-- Check if there is a "Imported by Date" folder to file the projects in
		tell library 1
			if not (exists folder "Imported by Date") then
				make new folder with properties {name:"Imported by Date"}
			end if
			-- Get unique dates for the projects and format the dates into YYYY-MM-DD
			set isoDateList to {}
			set isoUniqueDateList to {}
			set isoImageDate to {}
			set uniqueDateList to {}
			repeat with i from 1 to count of imageList
				tell (item i of imageList)
					set theDate to value of EXIF tag "ImageDate"
					set delimiter to "-"
					set projectYear to year of theDate
					set projectMonth to month of theDate as integer as string
					if length of projectMonth is 1 then
						set projectMonth to "0" & projectMonth
					end if
					set projectDay to day of theDate as integer as string
					if length of projectDay is 1 then
						set projectDay to "0" & projectDay
					end if
					set isoImageDate to projectYear & delimiter & projectMonth & delimiter & projectDay as string
					set end of isoDateList to isoImageDate
					if not (isoUniqueDateList contains isoImageDate) then
						set end of isoUniqueDateList to isoImageDate
						set end of uniqueDateList to theDate
					end if
				end tell
			end repeat
			-- Create a new project for each unique date
			repeat with counter from 1 to length of uniqueDateList
				tell folder "Imported by Date"
					if not (exists project (item counter of isoUniqueDateList)) then
						make new project with properties {name:(item counter of isoUniqueDateList)}
					end if
					-- File the photos into the corresponding project
					move (every image version of project id projSel whose value of EXIF tag "CaptureYear" is year of item counter of uniqueDateList and value of EXIF tag "CaptureMonthOfYear" is month of item counter of uniqueDateList as integer and value of EXIF tag "CaptureDayOfMonth" is day of item counter of uniqueDateList) to project (item counter of isoUniqueDateList)
				end tell
			end repeat
			if (count of image versions of project id projSel) is 0 then
				delete project id projSel
			end if
		end tell
	end if
end tell