I have been trying to find a way to sign into ebay with a script. But, curl is way over my head. I found a couple things. This is an html page that will log you into ebay: http://curl.phptrack.com/examples/ebay_account.php
members, sign in to save time for bidding, selling, and other activities.
Interesting stuff here. I have 2 questions for you.
This script seems to work fine. That html code I posted takes you to the site, but the script you gave me does not. Is it still logging in, even though I cannot see it? If I login this way are cookies involved?
How do other things on the internet work as far as forms? Can I actually sort through the html code to get other curl commands so I can do fill out forms the same way?
You do notice that you’re handing your eBay user account and password to whoever is running curl-phptrack.com, right? How well do you trust them? They could very easily store those values. I’m not sure you want to do that.
I agree with the other poster who suggested you learn how to post using eBay’s API: eBay Developers Program
That way, you know you’re doing this in a supported way.