Elementary question

Actually 2:

1-- what’s the finder syntax for the frontmost open folder (I thought it would be “folder 1”)

2 – when I drag a folder into the Script Editor window, it lets me create an alias of the folder, but not with the proper syntax. Isn’t that kind of dumb?

I’ll assume you’re talking about the Finder.

Finder window 1
-- or
front Finder window

Or if you want the folder itself:

tell application "Finder"
	target of front Finder window
end tell

Dumb and a misnomer. In fact, even if it did produce the AppleScript syntax for an alias, its use wouldn’t be conducive to writing portable scripts.

Try typing POSIX file “”, dragging the file/folder icon between the quotes, compile, and change file at the line beginning to alias.

BTW, I’ve never actually thought of doing it this way (I’ve always made a quick script for choosing the file and copying the alias out of the result :/).
The odd dialog that appears when dragging a folder seems to be a behaviour inherited from the standard text view, as TextEdit does the same thing.

Thanks, I’ll remember that.

Or use Smile, where dragging the folder icon into the scripting window produces the proper AppleScript syntax.