I’m reading in a 2MBb text file and it just hangs is there a limit to how much I can read in and if so how can I get around it ?
I’m reading in a 2MBb text file and it just hangs is there a limit to how much I can read in and if so how can I get around it ?
I just read a 2.3 MB file in without any problems.
You need to provide more detail on what you’re doing and what’s happening. How are you reading this file? Where is it? What are you attempting to do with it? Have you looked at your application with Sampler while it’s hanging?
Also, did you typo and mean to say “GB”?
thank you all for your imput…
as it turns out the problem was not in reading in the file but in writeing to an out file… I was opening, Writng then closing the outfile each for each line of the orignal file to the new file (after extracting what I needed of course)
I now just open and leave open until I’m done.