Encountering Disk not available error with Photoshop

hello all,

I have a working script that saves out pdfs as gifs and jpegs for web use as a copy. However I have found that I am getting a disk access error that seems to be dependant on the file name of the pdf.

This file name seems to work fine Consumer_poffer-p99_2c.pdf and will save as Consumer_poffer-p99_2c copy.jpeg

However I recieve a photoshop error that says “could not sava a copy because disk is not available” when the file name is default_pic_pa_oh_-p38_2c.pdf does anyone know of any file naming restrictions involved with photoshop or what the problem could be?

I am using Photoshop 7.0 and also find the same for 7.1. OS 10.3.5

Thank so much,

Teddy :slight_smile:


Your problem absolutely lies in your file naming. Photoshop will not save your file because the file name must be restricted to 32 characters or less.


Thank you Ross. I am new to photoshop, the mac, and to applescript and am having issues with the relatively vague errors. And knowing the 32 character limitation means I just have to take an alternate route.

Does anyone know by chance of this problem being dealt with by anyone already. The files I am working have the chance of needing up 30 state abreviations in them and I am guessing that the file naming will have to be done on the finder side.

But that presents me with the problem that I am having to save as copy through photoshop itself due to needing the foreground matte to be saved with some of the images.

I would guess that this would be a problem encountered frequently by people because 32 characters isn’t very long. If anyone knows of any routines made to take a list of name maybe in csv form and change them out please let me know. Or if anyone has any other ideas and would share that would be awesome.

Thanks Again!!!
Teddy :smiley: