What is correct syntax if I want Cc: and Bcc: in Entourage
set the_recipient to "nell@aol.com, Charles@aol.com, "
set the_subject to "New images"
set the_content to "Please pick up new images: " & newFiles
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set Email_Notify to make outgoing message with properties {subject:the_subject, recipient:the_recipient, content:the_content}
send Email_Notify
end tell
The above script works but I would to like Cc & Bcc to another email adress
I found a way to Cc but I have to script the object draft window instead of a new outgoing message
set the_recipient to "nell@aol.com"
set the_subject to "TEST MON"
set the_content to "TEST MONday: " & newFiles
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set Email_Notify to make new draft window with properties {subject:the_subject, recipient:the_recipient, content:the_content, CC recipients:"nellbern@bellsouth.net"}
send Email_Notify
end tell
But the disadvantage is I’m getting a draft window when in reality what I want is a outgoing message with Cc to another emails. Is there any way to achive this?