Entourage/Exchange: Public Folder requires SSL and port assignment???

I have an applescript that I created that will configure an MS Entourage 2004 client to connect with our MS Exchange 2003 server. I have everything working the way I was for exception of that I can seam to be able to set the Public Folder (free busy server) settings so that its DAV service “requires SSL” and sets the DAV port for the public folder to 443.

make new Exchange account with properties 
Exchange ID:theAccountID, 
full name:theFullName, 
email address:theEmailAddr, 
Exchange server:ExchangeServer, 
DAV requires SSL:true, 
DAV port:443, 
LDAP server:theLDAPServer, 
LDAP port:theLDAPPort, 
LDAP requires authentication:true, 
LDAP requires SSL:false, 
search base:theSearchBase, 
free busy server:FreeBusyServer