Entourage X script

What I want to do is be able to highlight a bunch of messages and redirect them to one email address. I’ve gotten the script to redirect all te selected messages, but I can’t get the script to automatically send the messages after that. Here’s what I have so far:
Most of this is taken from a script that MS already had in Entourage.

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
-- get the currently selected message or messages
set selectedMessages to current messages
-- if there are no messages selected, warn the user and then quit
if selectedMessages is {} then
display dialog "Select some messages first." with icon 1
end if
repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
redirect theMessage to "s80blink@mac.com"
end repeat
end tell

I’ve tried putting “send theMessage” in different places but it doesn’t seem to work. I must be missing something but I’m not sure what.

As I don’t have one, i can’t lookup entourage’s dictionnary, but i’d try a single “send and receive” after the repeat loop.
don’t just put “send theMessage” in different places, theMessage is only valid inside the repeat…end repeat.
coming to think of it, you should check entourage’s dictionnary for the existence of a “send” event, because if it exists, one could manage to script some “i love you” kind of monster and maybe the entourage developers did’nt want to take that risk. if so, you still could configure your entourage to send and receive , say, every 15 minutes and you’ll be set.
hope this helps. karl.

I guess it was just a matter of putting the send command in the right place. The script Editor figured it out for me once I put send in the right place.

(*Redirect a # of messages to one person. *)
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
-- get the currently selected message or messages
set selectedMessages to current messages
-- if there are no messages selected, warn the user and then give up
if selectedMessages is {} then
display dialog "Select some messages first." with icon 1
end if
repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
(redirect theMessage to "here@there.com") send
end repeat
end tell