I have a group set up in the Address book of Entourage. How do I reference that group within a script to send an email to the group?
Do you put it for the recipient?
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message at outbox folder with properties {recipient:"?GROUP?", subject:"Test"}
send newMessage
end tell
or do you need more, like:
contents of group of address book whose name is MyGroup
You’re pretty close in your first bit of code. Two things to point out:
The group is identified simply by its name property, and
The send command must be delivered to a list object. One message is a single-item list.
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set newMessage to make new outgoing message at outbox folder with properties {recipient:"yourGroup", subject:"Test"}
send {newMessage}
end tell
Wonderful, Ettor! I knew I had to be close.
Not sure why you think " send {newMessage} " needs to be a list. It works fine the way I have it…
thanks again!