Error copying file from an SD card to my computer hard disk

I need help and I do not know what the problem is.

This script has been working for more than three years and suddenly when running the duplicate command I am getting an error 8082. Would anyone know why? This is really bizarre.

With regards!

set cardVolume to "SDHC"
set cardMPEGFolder to "ZIP_ROOT:DISK01:"
set pathFolder1Name to "FPAQ"
set pathFolder2Name to "MPEGfiles"

tell application "Finder"
	set DestinationFolder to (path to home folder as text) & pathFolder1Name & ":" & pathFolder2Name & ":"
	display dialog "set DestinationFolder  to " & (path to home folder as text) & pathFolder1Name & ":" & pathFolder2Name & ":"
	set sourceFolder to folder cardMPEGFolder of disk cardVolume as string
	display dialog " set sourceFolder to folder " & cardMPEGFolder & " of disk " & cardVolume & " as string"
	set theCardFiles to files of folder sourceFolder
	duplicate theCardFiles to folder DestinationFolder with replacing
	on error errMsg number errorNumber
		display dialog "errorNumber: " & errorNumber
	end try
end tell

I can’t find anything meaningful for that error code, is there some text that goes with it?