We suppose to do 2 process as mentioned below using XCode:
1. Delete some unwanted files from a folder and
2. Move some files to from one folder to another folder.
These 2 process works perfectly in applescript (script editor) as well as in Xcode without calling any other Functions, the code works perfectly. But the same code when we use in the Xcode i.e) After calling the other functions in a program we call this function at last or without using function concept also, Its not working, It shows same error like this:
“Finder got an error: Handler can’t handle objects of this class. (-10010)”
The following code was used for 2 process:
Deleting Files:
tell application “Finder”
set prjname2 to “Mac:”
set thisItem2 to it1 & “XML:Source:” & prjname2 & “1.xml”
set thisItem3 to it1 & “XML:Source:” & prjname2 & “1_converted.xml”
tell application “Finder”
move thisItem2 to the trash
move thisItem3 to the trash
end tell
end tell
Moving Files:
tell application “Finder”
set it1 to “Mac:”
set pn to “project name”
set movePath to it1 & “XML:Final:” & pn & “_Final_nimas.xml”
set NimasOutputPath to it1 & Nimas XML:"
tell application “Finder”
move movePath to NimasOutputPath
end tell
end tell