Error message explanation

I’m getting an error message as seen in the attached image when I open “Dent-Du-Midi” (a freeware midi tool). I already emailed the programmer, who told me, that he’s not using or reffering to AppleScript.

I have also compared my installed AppleScript files and additions with the installation of a friend (we both have OSX 10.3.3 installed) and cannot figure out, what’s wrong.

Do you have any idea or hint, where to look for? I’m lost.

Thanks in advance.


«event earsffdr» is the ‘path to’ command and «constant afdmpref» compiles as ‘preferences folder’.

It looks as though someone’s written ‘path to preferences folder’ instead of ‘path to preferences’ and that they’ve done this inside a ‘tell’ block. But the only ways I’ve been able to duplicate the precise error so far are with these two bits of code, saved as applets:

tell preferences folder
  path to it
end tell

-- or:

tell application "Finder"
   path to «constant afdmpref» -- compiles as 'path to preferences folder'
end tell

If I actually write ‘preferences folder’ in the second example, it gets compiled as the Finder’s special folder ‘preferences folder’ and the error message is then: “«class pref» of application Finder doesn’t understand the «event earsffdr» message.”

There’s been some conflict between ‘path to’ and the Finder for several years, but I thought this had been fixed recently.

I’ve no idea how all this relates to your MIDI app, but I hope it’s provided some useful clues.

Somebody’s not telling the truth. “Dent du Midi” appears to be an AppleScript Studio application and the main script, DdM.scpt is available for perusal from within the scripts folder of the app package (it was saved as development which means the script is fully editable). There are in deed calls to “path to preferences folder” but they are not inside tell blocks to any other application or object.
