Error printing to Postscript Adobe Illustrator got an error: File/Fold

on printToPostscript()
	local TID
	set TID to AppleScript's AppleScript's text item delimiters
	local docRef
	local fileName
	local newFileName
	local theName
	local filepath
	local workingPath
	local theHeight
	local theWidth
	local fullName
	local paperOpts
	local postOpts
	local jobOpts
	local fontOpts
	local printOpts
	tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
		-- set a reference to the document we are working on
		set docRef to document 1
		tell docRef
			-- get the name of the current document we may need it later
			set fileName to name of docRef
			set newFileName to my justFileName(fileName) -- drops the files extension
			log newFileName
			set filepath to file path of docRef as text
			set workingPath to my getWorkingPath(filepath) -- gets just folders without filename
			log workingPath
			set theHeight to height of docRef
			set theWidth to width of docRef
			set fullName to workingPath & newFileName & ".ps"
			set paperOpts to {class:paper options, height:theHeight, width:theWidth}
			set postOpts to {class:postscript options, force continuous tone:true, image compression:none, PostScript:level 2}
			set jobOpts to {class:job options, designation:all layers, file path:fullName}
			set fontOpts to {class:font options, download fonts:subset}
			set printOpts to {class:print options, font settings:fontOpts, job settings:jobOpts, paper settings:paperOpts, postscript settings:postOpts, PPD name:"Device Independent", printer name:"Adobe Postscript® File"}
			print document 1 options printOpts without dialogs
		end tell
	end tell
	-- set the text item delimiters back to what it was before we called the script
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
end printToPostscript

I get the error “Adobe Illustrator got an error: File/Folder expected”. If you watch the results it even writes the postscript file. It seems like it doesn’t know where to put it. I though that’s what the job options file path was for. A place to save the file with that path and name.

Any ideas would be appreciated.