Error selecting files from a folder

Hi all.

I am a total newbie to applescript, I’ve browsed through some forums and tried to make a script that uploads some files to a ftp server. The problem is I always get an error when it selects files from a folder.

The code is

tell application "Cyberduck"
	set dreamBrowser to (make new browser)
	set dreamFolder to "mi2:Pictures:Shoot:toSubmit:dream"
	tell dreamBrowser
		tell application "Finder" to set dFiles to (every file of dreamFolder whose name extension is "jpg")
		repeat with dFile in dFiles
			alert(name of dFile)
		end repeat
	end tell
	tell dreamBrowser to close
end tell

While running I always get the error message:
Can’t get every file of “mi2:Pictures:ShutterStock:toSubmit:dream”.

Can anyone help me please.

note1: mi2 is the secondary partition on my mac
note2: the listing of the mi2:Pictures:Shoot:toSubmit:dream folder is:
note3: the IMG_.IMG files are no real files, but the aliases
note4: I plan to select the IMG_
.jpg files.

Thank you

Hi macexpert,

you try to get files of a string not of a folder

tell application "Finder" to set dFiles to (get every file of folder dreamFolder whose name extension is "jpg")

If you specify a path to a folder, the string should end with a colon (although AppleScript will accept it without in most cases)

set dreamFolder to "mi2:Pictures:Shoot:toSubmit:dream:"

Thanks Stefan,
that seem to have been the problems… now I can select the right files. However I have the following problem with the Cyberduck program. This is an example application from Cyberduck that uploads files:

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	set theServer to ""
	set theUser to "username"
	set theProtocol to "ftp"
	set theUploadFolder to "upload"
	set the item_count to the number of items in the added_items
	if the item_count is greater than 0 then
		with timeout of 300 seconds
			tell application "Cyberduck"
				set theBrowser to (make new browser)
				tell (theBrowser)
					set encoding to "UTF-8"
					connect to theServer with protocol theProtocol as user theUser with initial folder theUploadFolder
					repeat with theFile in added_items
						upload item theFile
					end repeat
				end tell
			end tell
		end timeout
	end if
end adding folder items to

now this is the source of my application

set dreamFolder to "mi2:Pictures:Shoot:toSubmit:dream:"
tell application "Finder" to set dFiles to (get every alias file of folder dreamFolder whose name extension is "jpg")
--if we have files
if (number of items in dFiles is greater than 0) then
	with timeout of 300 seconds
		tell application "Cyberduck"
			set dreamBrowser to (make new browser)
			tell (dreamBrowser)
				connect to bookmark "dream"
				repeat with dFile in dFiles
					tell application "Finder" to set oFile to original item of dFile
					upload item oFile
				end repeat
			end tell
		end tell
	end timeout
end if

The problem: the line

upload item oFile

throws the exception:
Can’t make «class docf» “IMG_6073.JPG” of «class cfol» “toSubmit” of…«class cdis» “mi2” of application “Finder” into the expected type.
But I did the same as in the example provided by Cyberduck, didn’t I? Can someone please help?


The original example uses an alias (the Applescript class, not an alias file), your script uses a file specifier
maybe this does it (I don’t have Cyberduck)

tell application "Finder" to set oFile to original item of dFile as alias

Yup, works perfectly :slight_smile: Thank you so much… how did you know that? What’s the difference between seting a file as alias and the “alias file” class?

the terminology “alias” is a bit confusing.

Here is a basic tutorial PDF about AppleScript. In chapter 12 there is a good description of the various file classes

AppleScript for Absolute Starters