Error when trying to get size of itunes song

when i try to get the size of a song and set it in a text field i get this error:

The bug is located in this handler:

on UpdateInfo()
	tell application "iTunes"
		set myCount to 1
		set MyiTunesTracks to {} -- alle tracks (itunes notatie) naar list
		repeat count myPlaylist times
			set end of MyiTunesTracks to (every track whose name is (item 1 of item myCount of myPlaylist) as string and artist is (item 2 of item myCount of myPlaylist) as string)
			set myCount to myCount + 1
		end repeat
		set myBytes to 0
		set myCount to 1 -- totaal aantal bytes verkrijgen
		repeat count MyiTunesTracks times
			set V to size of (item myCount of MyiTunesTracks)
			set myBytes to myBytes + V
			set myCount to myCount + 1
		end repeat
		set myMB to myBytes / 1024 as integer
		set myGB to myBytes / 1024 / 1024 as integer
		set myTotalSeconds to 0
		set myCount to 1 -- totaal aantal seconden verkrijgen
		repeat count MyiTunesTracks times
			set MMSS to time of (item myCount of MyiTunesTracks)
			set CM to word 1 of MMSS
			set CS to word 2 of MMSS
			set TS to CM * 60 + CS
			set myTotalSeconds to myTotalSeconds + TS
		end repeat
		set myUpdateTracks to count MyiTunesTracks as string -- aantal gekozen tracks
	end tell
	-- Text field veranderen
	SecondsToString(myTotalSeconds) -- seconden naar time string (myTimeString)
	set contents of text field "AAantal" of window "add" to myUpdateTracks
	set contents of text field "ATijd" of window "add" to myTimeString as string
	set contents of text field "AGrootte" of window "add" to (myGB as string) & " GB"
end UpdateInfo

and this is the entire applescript file of my Xcode Project if you should think the bug’s location is somewhere else:

-- Song Chooser.applescript
-- Song Chooser

--  Created by ief2 on 13/09/09.
--  Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
global myArtists
global myPlaylist
global myGtracks
global myGArtists
global myArtist
global MyiTunesTracks
global myTimeString
global myTotalSeconds
global myUpdateTracks
global myGB

on clicked theObject
	(* als SStart *)
	if name of theObject is "SStart" then
		close window "SStart"
		show window "StartProgress"
		start progress indicator "SPSpinner" of window "StartProgress" -- start spinner
		-- alle artiesten in een lijst
		tell application "iTunes" -- maak lege list
			set tracksCount to (count every track of playlist 2)
			set myArtists to {}
		end tell
		set myCount to 1
		repeat tracksCount times
			set contents of text field "SPProgress" of window "StartProgress" to ¬
				"Bezig met track " & myCount & "/" & tracksCount -- update text field
			-- artist van track myCOunt toevoegen
			tell application "iTunes"
				tell playlist 2 to tell track myCount
					set tracksArtist to artist
					if tracksArtist is not in myArtists then set end of myArtists to tracksArtist
				end tell
				set myCount to myCount + 1
			end tell
		end repeat
		-- sluit startprogress window, open add window, stop spinner
		stop progress indicator "SPSpinner" of window "StartProgress"
		close window "StartProgress"
		show window "Add"
		-- Artiesten view updaten van window "add"
		set contents of table view "AArtiesten" of scroll view "AArtiesten" of window "Add" to myArtists
	end if
	(* als AKiesArtiest *)
	if name of theObject is "AKiesArtiest" then
		set myArtist to contents of data cell 1 of selected data row of table view "AArtiesten" of scroll view "AArtiesten" of window "Add" -- gekozen artiest verkrijgen
		-- tracks verkrijgen
		start (progress indicator "ASpinner" of window "Add") -- start spinner
		tell application "iTunes"
			set GekozenTracks to reverse of (get name of every track whose artist is myArtist) -- alle liedjes van artiest verktijgen
		end tell
		-- tabel updaten, spinner stoppen
		set contents of table view "ATracks" of scroll view "ATracks" of window "Add" to GekozenTracks
		stop progress indicator "ASpinner" of window "Add"
	end if
	(* als AVerwijderArtiest *)
	if name of theObject is "AVerwijderArtiest" then
		set myDArtist to selected data rows of table view "AArtiesten" of scroll view "AArtiesten" of window "add"
		delete item 1 of myDArtist
	end if
	(* als AVoegToe *)
	if name of theObject is "AVoegToe" then
		-- alles verkrijgen, lijst bijwerken
		set myGTrack to contents of data cell 1 of selected data row of table view "ATracks" of scroll view "ATracks" of window "Add" as string -- verkrijg artiest naam
		set myGArtist to myArtist as string -- verkrijg artiest
		set V to {myGTrack, myGArtist} as list
		set myCount to 1
		set A to "Start"
		repeat count myPlaylist times
			if item myCount of myPlaylist is V then set A to "Stop" -- myPlaylist bijwerken checken
			set myCount to myCount + 1
		end repeat
		if A is not "Stop" then set end of myPlaylist to V -- myPlaylist bijwerken
		-- artiesten en tracks tabel bijwerken
		set contents of table view "AGekozen" of scroll view "AGekozen" of window "add" to myPlaylist
	end if
	(* als AVerwijderTrakcs *)
	if name of theObject is "AVerwijderTrakcs" then
		set myDelete to contents of selected data row of table view "AGekozen" of scroll view "AGekozen" of window "Add" as list -- geselecteerde row verkrijgen
		set myNewPlaylist to {}
		set myCount to 1 -- nieuwe playlist maken
		repeat count myPlaylist times
			if item myCount of myPlaylist is not myDelete then
				set end of myNewPlaylist to item myCount of myPlaylist
			end if
			set myCount to myCount + 1
		end repeat
		set myPlaylist to myNewPlaylist -- myPlaylist updaten
		set contents of table view "AGekozen" of scroll view "AGekozen" of window "Add" to myPlaylist -- tabel updaten
	end if
	(* als AAfspeellijst *)
	if name of theObject is "AAfspeellijst" then
		set V to (current date) as string
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"-"}
		get words 2 thru -1 of V as string
		set myDateString to result
		tell application "iTunes"
			make new playlist with properties {name:"Song Chooser " & myDateString} -- nieuwe afspeellijst maken
			set myCount to 1
			set MyiTunesTracks to {} -- alle tracks (itunes notatie) naar playlist
			repeat count myPlaylist times
				set end of MyiTunesTracks to every track whose name is (item 1 of item myCount of myPlaylist as string) and artist is (item 2 of item myCount of myPlaylist as string)
				set myCount to myCount + 1
			end repeat
			set myCount to 1
			repeat count myPlaylist times
				duplicate item 1 of item myCount of MyiTunesTracks to playlist ("Song Chooser " & myDateString)
				set myCount to myCount + 1
			end repeat
		end tell
	end if
end clicked

on awake from nib theObject
	set myPlaylist to {} as list
	set myGtracks to {} as list
	set myGArtists to {} as list
	if name of theObject is "Add" then
	end if
end awake from nib

(* ===== MY HANDLERS ===== *)
on UpdateInfo()
	tell application "iTunes"
		set myCount to 1
		set MyiTunesTracks to {} -- alle tracks (itunes notatie) naar list
		repeat count myPlaylist times
			set end of MyiTunesTracks to (every track whose name is (item 1 of item myCount of myPlaylist) as string and artist is (item 2 of item myCount of myPlaylist) as string)
			set myCount to myCount + 1
		end repeat
		set myBytes to 0
		set myCount to 1 -- totaal aantal bytes verkrijgen
		repeat count MyiTunesTracks times
			set V to size of (item myCount of MyiTunesTracks)
			set myBytes to myBytes + V
			set myCount to myCount + 1
		end repeat
		set myMB to myBytes / 1024 as integer
		set myGB to myBytes / 1024 / 1024 as integer
		set myTotalSeconds to 0
		set myCount to 1 -- totaal aantal seconden verkrijgen
		repeat count MyiTunesTracks times
			set MMSS to time of (item myCount of MyiTunesTracks)
			set CM to word 1 of MMSS
			set CS to word 2 of MMSS
			set TS to CM * 60 + CS
			set myTotalSeconds to myTotalSeconds + TS
		end repeat
		set myUpdateTracks to count MyiTunesTracks as string -- aantal gekozen tracks
	end tell
	-- Text field veranderen
	SecondsToString(myTotalSeconds) -- seconden naar time string (myTimeString)
	set contents of text field "AAantal" of window "add" to myUpdateTracks
	set contents of text field "ATijd" of window "add" to myTimeString as string
	set contents of text field "AGrootte" of window "add" to (myGB as string) & " GB"
end UpdateInfo

on SecondsToString(mySeconds)
	set H to mySeconds div 60 div 60
	set M to (mySeconds - H * 60 * 60) div 60
	set S to mySeconds - H * 60 * 60 - M * 60
	set myTimeString to (H & "h " & M & "m " & S & "s") as string
end SecondsToString



ps is there a spoiler-code for hiding some parts of your post, because i think this post is a little bit to big


the result of the every filter is always a list, so your list myiTunesTracks is a list of lists.
By the way: the repeat loop form repeat x times is only reasonable, if you don’t need any index variable.
In your case the following form is preferable, because it creates the the index variable automatically

repeat with i from 1 to (count aList)
	set j to item i of aList
	-- do something with j
end repeat
on UpdateInfo()
   tell application "iTunes"
       set myCount to 1
       set MyiTunesTracks to {} -- alle tracks (itunes notatie) naar list
       repeat count myPlaylist times
           set end of MyiTunesTracks to (every track whose name is (item 1 of item myCount of myPlaylist) as string and artist is (item 2 of item myCount of myPlaylist) as string)
           set myCount to myCount + 1
       end repeat
       set myBytes to 0
       set myCount to 1 -- totaal aantal bytes verkrijgen
       repeat count MyiTunesTracks times
           set V to size of (item myCount of MyiTunesTracks)
           set myBytes to myBytes + V
           set myCount to myCount + 1
       end repeat
       set myMB to myBytes / 1024 as integer
       set myGB to myBytes / 1024 / 1024 as integer
       set myTotalSeconds to 0
       set myCount to 1 -- totaal aantal seconden verkrijgen
       repeat count MyiTunesTracks times
           set MMSS to time of (item myCount of MyiTunesTracks)
           set CM to word 1 of MMSS
           set CS to word 2 of MMSS
           set TS to CM * 60 + CS
           set myTotalSeconds to myTotalSeconds + TS
       end repeat
       set myUpdateTracks to count MyiTunesTracks as string -- aantal gekozen tracks
   end tell
   -- Text field veranderen
   SecondsToString(myTotalSeconds) -- seconden naar time string (myTimeString)
   set contents of text field "AAantal" of window "add" to myUpdateTracks
   set contents of text field "ATijd" of window "add" to myTimeString as string
   set contents of text field "AGrootte" of window "add" to (myGB as string) & " GB"
end UpdateInfo

(item myCount of MyiTunesTracks)
(item 1 of item myCount of MyiTunesTracks)

problem solved
