Error when


In this script the operator has to enter an order number. Next he is asked to enter picture number which correspond to the picture he wants to have a copy.

I am trying to minimal flexibility allowing the operator the change the order number before entering the picture number. Order number can be up to 6 digit long. Picture number are always maximum 4 number long. If a user wants to have three picture the operator can enter the three 4 digit number one after the other separated by a blank.

In doing a verification in case the Operator wants to change the Order number with the condition “if button… return” the script no longer work.

Does someone have an idea why?


set theEVEclient to {}
set noFacture to ""
set theEVE to ""
		if noFacture is equal to "" then
			set noFacture to (the text returned of (display dialog "Please enter the order number" default button 2 default answer noFacture)) as string
		end if
		set theEVE to (the text returned of (display dialog "Please enter the picture number for order " & noFacture & " (i.e 1111 2222) :" buttons {"Change the order number", "OK"} default button 2 default answer theEVE)) as string -- each picture are only 4 character long
		--if button returned of result is "Change the order number" then
		--	set noFacture to ""
		--	display dialog "theEVE: " & theEVE
		exit repeat
		--end if
	on error e number n
		if n = -128 then -- user cancelled
			display dialog "The operation was cancelled by the operator"
		else if n = -1700 then -- integer coerce error
			display dialog "Please re-enter the picture number" buttons {"Essayer à nouveau!"} default button 1 giving up after 2
		end if
	end try
end repeat

set theStart to 1
set theEnd to 4
repeat while (theEnd is less than or equal to length of theEVE)
	set theEVEclient to theEVEclient & (text theStart thru theEnd of theEVE)
	set theStart to theStart + 5
	set theEnd to theEnd + 5
end repeat

repeat with valeur in theEVEclient
	display dialog "Cévé: " & valeur
--      at this moment I am only displaying the information onto the monitor. Later on, the information contained in "valeur" will be written into a file as paragraphs. The order number will serve as the file name "noFacture".
end repeat


the result of display dialog is a record: {text returned:t, button returned:b, gave up:g} .
If you retrieve the returned text the returned button information is lost.

		set {text returned:theEVE, button returned:buttonReturned} to display dialog "Please enter the picture number for order " & noFacture & " (i.e 1111 2222) :" buttons {"Change the order number", "OK"} default button 2 default answer theEVE -- each picture are only 4 character long
		if buttonReturned is "Change the order number" then
			set noFacture to ""
			display dialog "theEVE: " & theEVE
			exit repeat
		end if