June 16, 2018, 7:00am
When evaluating an EventKit’s event by means of the summary method, EventKit returns a significant amount of event data. For example in a variable named anEKEvent, assigned to an EKStore’s event representing an event in my Google calendar, the following applescript command
set SummaryData to anEKEvent's summary()
using the summary method yields:
EKEvent <0x3bc540>, title:New Event, localUID:CF936662-6A11-4154-87FD-40BB8C00C551, sharedUID:3249FB14-64E8-417F-9D4B-E31E3BF56450
allDay : 0
creationDate : 2018-06-16 06:21:06 +0000
defaultAlarmWasDelet: 0
lastModifiedDate : 2018-06-16 06:21:06 +0000
notes :
organizedByMe : 1
organizerName : (null)
organizerURL : (null)
organizerEmail : (null)
organizerEncodedLike: (null)
organizerPhoneNumber: (null)
priorityNumber : 0
recurrenceRuleString: (null)
recurrenceSetID : (null)
relatedExternalID : (null)
scheduleAgentString : (null)
startDateUnadjustedF: 2018-06-13 17:45:00 +0000
timeZoneObject : America/Los_Angeles (PDT) offset -25200 (Daylight)
title : New Event
contactIdentifiersSt: (null)
structuredData : (null)
localStructuredData : (null)
URL : (null)
itemID : (null)
availabilityEnum : 0
dontSendNotification: 0
endDateUnadjustedFro: 2018-06-13 18:45:00 +0000
endTimeZoneObject : (null)
isDetached : 0
junkStatus : 0
privacyLevelString : (null)
responseComment : (null)
statusString : CONFIRMED
needsGeocoding : 0
suggestionInfoAcknow: 0
suggestionInfoChange: 0
suggestionInfoOpaque: (null)
suggestionInfoTimest: (null)
suggestionInfoUnique: (null)
travelAdvisoryBehavi: AUTOMATIC
conferenceURL : (null)
travelDuration : 0
container :
colorString : #711A76FF
displayOrder : 2147483647
ignoreAlarms : 0
notes : Google calendar notes
publishURL : (null)
title : Google calendar name
suppressEventSchedul: 0
symbolicColorName : purple
containerSource :
title : Google account name
sharees : (null)
alarms : (null)
relativeOffset : -54000
absoluteDate : (null)
acknowledgedDate : (null)
actionString : AUDIO
emailAddress : (null)
soundName : Basso
url : (null)
proximityString : (null)
bookmark : (null)
notRelativeToTravelT: 0
isTimeToLeaveAlarm : 0
structuredLocation : (null)
relativeOffset : -900
absoluteDate : (null)
acknowledgedDate : (null)
actionString : AUDIO
emailAddress : (null)
soundName : Basso
url : (null)
proximityString : (null)
bookmark : (null)
notRelativeToTravelT: 0
isTimeToLeaveAlarm : 0
structuredLocation : (null)
ekStructuredLocation: (null)
participantForMe : (null)
ekStructuredStartLoc: (null)
ekStructuredEndLocat: (null)
recurrenceRule : (null)
organizer : (null)
suggestionInfo : (null)
alarmSet :
relativeOffset : -900
absoluteDate : (null)
acknowledgedDate : (null)
actionString : AUDIO
emailAddress : (null)
soundName : Basso
url : (null)
proximityString : (null)
bookmark : (null)
notRelativeToTravelT: 0
isTimeToLeaveAlarm : 0
structuredLocation : (null)
attachmentSet : (null)
attendeeSet : (null)
By what method, might I capture this structured data to use in applescript?
I doubt that you can. That’s an undocumented, and hence private, method. The best you could do is parse the string yourself.
December 22, 2018, 8:45am
Although I assume the answer to be no based upon Shane’s prior reply, by any chance or any method, can Applescript write data to an EKEvent summary?