Excel 2008 - copy & paste into blank row

I have already pieced together some script (adapted from reading through previous posts) but it isn’t working - perhaps someone could help me out? The script correctly identifies the next empty cell in the column but the copy command isn’t working.

I am trying to copy information from a single cell in Sheet 1 and copy it to the first empty row in a specified column (in this case A) on sheet 2. If you could also tell me how I would paste to a separate workbook (not just another sheet in the same workbook) that would be a great help - although I’m sure if I looked through old posts for long enough I could probably find something.

Here is the script so far:

local lastFilledCell, firstBlankCell

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set lastFilledCell to get end (range "A6000" of sheet "Sheet 2") direction toward the top
	set firstBlankCell to get offset lastFilledCell row offset 1
	copy range (range "G27" of sheet "Sheet1") destination range firstBlankCell
end tell

The argument of copy range is destination (no range)

local lastFilledCell, firstBlankCell

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set lastFilledCell to (get end (range "a6000" of worksheet "Sheet2") direction toward the top)
	set firstBlankCell to (get offset lastFilledCell row offset 1)
	copy range (range "Sheet1!$G$27") destination firstBlankCell
end tell

Perfect! Thanks for your help, again.