Expiring/registering Xcode Application

I have an algorithm for generating and verifying codes, (albeit a very clutzy one, if anyone can show me a simple way to code this bring it on!!)

I’m sure I read something about “Authorizations” in the same HTML document as the mail search tutorial, but I can’t find it again… what does my app do with the code once It is verified??

also, how can I make the app run as a demo file for a certain amount of time (eg 2weeks) if it is not authorised yet? - easy enough if writing to the user defaults, but then deleting the plist file will reset the demo period - not good for me…

any ideas???


ps, I am using Xcode& interface builder to build AS apps

does anyone know if this file:///Developer/Documentation/Security/Security.html can be accessed from AS studio Apps?

if not, can anyone offer ideas as to how to set a demo period for my app (say two weeks from installation, rather than absolute date) and make sure that it can’t be easily re-set???


I have seen a handful of requests for this kind of code, and have not seen any good answers. Perhaps I’m not looking in the right place? Perhaps no one is doing this in AS? Regardless, I am working on some ideas regarding this subject. I haven’t been applescripting for too long, but I have most of the logic figured out from other platforms I develop on. I think that this is a good community topic that get’s little attention.

I am working on a “trial version” system that uses a couple of different security methods, including time-stamping, basic data encryption, and file-based memory of installation attempts. I know, this is a little vague but I don’t want to go into details about things that will undoubtedly change. Nevertheless, it should fill the needs of most AsS apps, and be available for testing soon. If I come up with a really good setup, I plan to package it as an easy-to-implement set of add-on’s for AsS projects and to release it in the code exchange so people could have access to this ability.


I do have good code for this. The problem is anyone with good code for this will not give details about it since it was designed to be a secret. Why write something to secure your intellectual property and then blab about how you did it placing your intellectual property at risk? I’ll just say that there are ways of doing this from within AppleScript alone but none of them are foolproof.

Sorry I can’t be more helpful.


is there a way to get the mac’s serial number without opening system profiler (I am running 10.3.1) ? - it’s a bit clunky this way…

This has been covered before. Simply searching the board for “serial number” would have returned this thread:



sorry, I often forget about the search facility until after I post! stupid me!!
