export http_proxy=

I typed

export http_proxy=“

to terminal and then checked using

do shell script “echo show State:/Network/Global/Proxies | scutil”

what is http proxy, but it didnt change?

while looking at what you were doing i found a better command then the one you are using.

do shell script "scutil --proxy"

http_proxy is an environment variable which most command line apps use eg wget, (and i think curl)
You can see its result by typeing this in terminal
env | grep http_proxy
echo $http_proxy

and remove it with
unset http_proxy

i don’t think the http_proxy environment variable has anything to do with the SystemConfiguration.framework

I’m trying to change proxy server and port using applescript.

hi cirno,

it would be interesting to AppleScript this article (found by using Google!):

