I am trying to find a way to open a bunch of PDF files and export to word or RTF from the file menu in Acrobat 8 and then have the text files save is a specific folder.
The only script I found so far was using a program called SLIM. But I want to do this through straight applescripting.
Is that possible.
I was very close using automate in Leopard, except I couldn’t get the PDF 's to close once they were done.
any help is appreciated.
Barbara, you could give something like this a try:
property Default_Location : (path to desktop as Unicode text) as alias
set Input_Folder to choose folder default location Default_Location with prompt "Select a folder of PDFs" without invisibles
tell application "Finder"
set File_List to (files of Input_Folder whose name extension is "pdf")
repeat with This_File in File_List
set The_File to This_File as alias
tell application "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional"
open The_File
set Doc_Name to name of document 1
set Base_Name to my getBaseName(Doc_Name)
set New_File_Path to (Default_Location as string) & Base_Name & ".rtf"
save front document to file New_File_Path using conversion "com.adobe.acrobat.rtf"
close front document
end tell
end repeat
end tell
on getBaseName(fName)
set baseName to fName
repeat with idx from 1 to (length of fName)
if (item idx of fName = ".") then
set baseName to (items 1 thru (idx - 1) of fName) as string
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return baseName
end getBaseName
The above is for RTF (there are no options available you from script Acrobat V7) set these in your prefs before running.
For MWD change the name extension at the end of New_File_Path to “.doc” & the conversion type to “com.adobe.acrobat.doc”
For Plain Text ditto the above with “.txt” & “com.adobe.acrobat.plain-text”
Hello Mark,
I will try this once back in my office this morning.
I will let you know how I make out.
I was doing it locally through Acrobats built in batch feature, but I wanted something in an applescript instead if possible.
thanks so much…
Hi Mark,
It worked…
the only thing is if I do a batch I would rather have them go into a folder I make on my desktop rather than loose …my desktop is already a mess
I made a folder on my desktop called “PDF to RTF”, and tried something like this to get it to compile, but it won’t.
property Default_Location : (path to target of Finder window 1 to folder "PDF to RTF" of folder "Desktop" of folder "barbarapress" of folder "Users" of startup disk
as Unicode text) as alias
Do you know how I could get this part to work?
The I would change the Finder part of the script to look for an output folder name else make one like this:
property Default_Location : (path to desktop as Unicode text) as alias
set Input_Folder to choose folder default location Default_Location with prompt "Select a folder of PDFs" without invisibles
tell application "Finder"
-- Check to see if your folder is on the desktop else make one
if not (exists (folder "PDF to RTF" of Default_Location)) then
make new folder at Default_Location with properties {name:"PDF to RTF"}
end if
set Output_Folder to (folder "PDF to RTF" of Default_Location) as text
set File_List to (files of Input_Folder whose name extension is "pdf")
repeat with This_File in File_List
set The_File to This_File as alias
tell application "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional"
open The_File
set Doc_Name to name of document 1
set Base_Name to my getBaseName(Doc_Name)
set New_File_Path to Output_Folder & Base_Name & ".rtf"
save front document to file New_File_Path using conversion "com.adobe.acrobat.rtf"
close front document
end tell
end repeat
end tell
on getBaseName(fName)
set baseName to fName
repeat with idx from 1 to (length of fName)
if (item idx of fName = ".") then
set baseName to (items 1 thru (idx - 1) of fName) as string
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return baseName
end getBaseName
Hi Mark!
BTW-what does the “without invisibles mean” ““Select a folder of PDFs” without invisibles”
in this line?
trying to learn
In that line of the code its using terms from Standard additions the without invisibles stops files whose name starts with “.” such as the systems DS_Store files showing in the dialog. I think that I have NOT used it correctly here. It could be for use with “choose file” and NOT needed with “choose folder”
Just checked and it does apply to both but the invisibles default is true with choose file and false with choose folder so not needed