Exporting a list of pictures from Photos.app by specifying their names

It happens that I take 100s of pictures for an event but have no patience to sort through them in order to select the good ones for publishing. And I am not the type of person who signs up for web services that help with that, either. Instead, I export them in a rather small size and then zip them to someone who has the time to choose the good ones. This week, I got a list of about 200 file names back, in a text file. I wasn’t eager to manually select that many pictures.

So I thought launched Script Debugger and got something working in 15 minutes: It takes the list of file names and finds each picture (or movie) of that name and then exports them all.

Here’s the script, which does this even in two ways: First, it sets up a list of names, then it also loops over a range of fixed numbers, adding them to the same list. Finally, it exports them all to a folder.

Feel free to improve the script, such as to read the names from a text file (one name per line) and letting the user choose the destination folder.

-- a manual list of partial file names (no need to include the extension):
set names to {"IMGP0750", "IMGP0752", "K3__5856", "K3__5842"}

-- add more items by a range of numbers:
repeat with i from 163 to 285
	set n to "IMGP0" & i
	copy n to the end of names
end repeat

tell application "Photos"
	-- collect the items from Photos.app
	set pics to {}
	repeat with name1 in names
		set s to (every media item whose filename contains name1)
		repeat with s2 in s
			copy s2 to the end of pics
		end repeat
	end repeat
	-- export the items - you will have to adjust the path
	export pics to file "Macintosh HD:Exported Pictures:"
end tell

This code is simpler, and may be faster too, as uses 2 repeat loops instead of 3, and doesn’t contain nested repeat loops. I can’t test, as I don’t have needed pictures on my Photos.app:

set theNames to {"IMGP0750", "IMGP0752", "K3__5856", "K3__5842"}

set thePictures to {}

tell application "Photos"
	repeat with aName in theNames
		set thePictures to thePictures & (every media item whose filename contains aName)
	end repeat
	repeat with i from 163 to 285
		set thePictures to thePictures & (every media item whose filename contains ("IMGP0" & i))
	end repeat
	-- export the items - you will have to adjust the path
	export thePictures to file "Macintosh HD:Exported Pictures:"
end tell