I’m trying to export my adressbook images to a folder. I want them to be jpeg images, so that i can load them onto my Sonyericsson k750i (wich doesn’t support image syncing with contacts).
I manage to export them to a dir as TIFF images using:
tell application "Address Book"
set PathName to "Macintosh HD:img:"
set npersons to count of people
repeat with i from 1 to npersons
if ((image of person i) exists) then
set current_image to (image of person i)
set personName to (name of person i) as text
set target_file to (PathName & personName & ".tiff") as Unicode text
set f to open for access file target_file with write permission
set eof of f to 0
end try
write current_image to f
close access f
on error
close access f
end try
end try
end if
end repeat
end tell
Does anyone know how i save as a JPEG file instead? The image stored in address book is a TIFF image… Can i use “Image Events” somehow? I’ve tried the following:
tell application "Address Book"
set PathName to "Macintosh HD:img:"
set npersons to count of people
repeat with i from 1 to npersons
if ((image of person i) exists) then
set current_image to (image of person i)
set personName to (name of person i) as text
set target_file to (PathName & personName & ".jpeg") as Unicode text
tell application "Image Events"
save current_image in target_file as JPEG
end tell
end if
end repeat
end tell
but it doesn’t work, can anyone help me in the right direction?
Thanks, this works fine!
Is there no way of converting the data before you save? So that two disc-acesses are avoided?
Not a problem really, it works, just woundering…
Since Image Events expects to work with a file, I don’t think so, thid.
From Image Events’ AppleScript dictionary:
I was about to post my own suggestion for this. As you can see, apart from one or two suggested precautions, it’s very similar to Jacques’ solution:
to get_path to folder_name at main_path
tell application "Finder" to tell folder main_path
tell folder folder_name to if exists then return it as Unicode text
(make new folder at it with properties {name:folder_name}) as Unicode text
end tell
end get_path
to strip_chars of charList from the_text
set tid to text item delimiters
considering case
repeat with strip_char in charList
if strip_char is in the_text then
set text item delimiters to strip_char
set the_text to the_text's text items
set text item delimiters to ""
tell the_text to set the_text to beginning & ({""} & rest)
end if
end repeat
end considering
set text item delimiters to tid
end strip_chars
to make_file from the_data at file_path
set open_file to open for access file file_path with write permission
set eof open_file to 0
write the_data to open_file
close access open_file
end make_file
to convert_image_to_JPEG at file_path
tell application "Image Events" to tell (open file_path)
save as JPEG in file_path
end tell
end convert_image_to_JPEG
to make_jpg from image_data for this_person at folder_path
set file_path to folder_path & (strip_chars of {".", ":"} from this_person) & ".jpg"
make_file from image_data at file_path
convert_image_to_JPEG at file_path
end make_jpg
set folder_path to get_path to "img" at path to startup disk
tell application "Image Events" to close images
tell application "Address Book" to repeat with this_person in people
tell this_person to if image exists then my (make_jpg from image for name at folder_path)
end repeat