Hi, after googling in vain … I need help if possible.
I use Apple Mail and I hope to find a script which would allow me to copy certain attachments to a folder I specify
The attachment are all Premiere Pro projects and the share the same extension “.prproj”
I am unable to find a way to create the script to copy the attachments from the list of found files in MAIL.
I only need the script to copy the files to the folder adding the timestamp as a prefix to the file.
The result should be something as follows
as such
09-12-17-14-23-12 example.prpoj
this file should be clickable to open in Premiere
The dictionary for MAIL is very complex for my skills but it seems possible to download attachments with a script.
Would anyone help me?
Thanks a lot in advance
Browser: Safari 537.36
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.11.6)