exporting omnioutline document

Dear All ,

I am new for apple scripting . The overall objective of the script is to attach with the folder action . This folder will contain the only OmniOutline document.The objective of the script is as soon as l any file/item put it into the folder (mainly OmniOutline document) the attached folder action script will export them into the text file . The other parts of the script are working fine. If anyone suggest me how to export the OmniOutline document into text file , it will of great help to me.

The problematic part of the code is commented part , ie not knowing what should be written there :
tell application “OmniOutline”
– Code to export OmniOutline .
end tell

Just tell me what should code in the commented part , ie to export the OmniOutline document to text file .

Thanks in advance .


Model: iMac
Browser: Safari 412.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)


I only have the free/trial version of OmniOutliner, and my dictionary does not contain anything about the Export function. Have you looked in your version’s dictionary? If the command is there, how about posting it up, and we can try to help you with the syntax.