Extensis Portfolio 8.5.6 - cannot overwrite field contents

I have a problem.

Extensis no longer supports AppleScript for Portfolio Standalone.

I have version 8.5.6 (most current) and have written an application which simplifies the selection and application of metadata in a Portfolio Catalog via AppleScript.

One major problem:

If a Custom Field is defined with the option “Allow multiple entries into the field” checked on, it appears to be impossible to do anything other than append additional values to the field.

According to the most recent document “Portfolio8-AppleScriptGuide.pdf” (copyright 2006!)

[i]Multi-valued Fields
For setting multi-valued fields, there are two different methods which can be used. The first method is used to add a single value to the multi-valued list. To do so, simply set the field to a single-value. In the following example, the keyword “Testing” is appended to the pre-existing list of values. If the value already exists in the list, it is
not added (as a list in Portfolio cannot contain duplicate values).

set keywords to “Testing”

The other method is used to replace the entire multi-valued list with a new set of values. In the following example, the keyword “Testing” replaces the pre-existing list of values.

set keywords to {“Testing”}
Using this method, it is also simple to erase a multi-valued list by simply passing in an empty list.

set keywords to {}[/i]

Perhaps needless to say, none of these methods actually work.

ANY assistance or workarounds would be greatly appreciated.

James Haney