Extracting the actual colour from the Color Spec

I want to find the colour of a text box. I’ve written applescript that extracts the blend, and then extracts the list that I want, but then when I try to get the actual colour I’m getting an error message that says I can’t convert a class <> into a string. Which is a pity :smiley: I’m at the stage where I know I’m getting to the correct Russian doll, but I can’t quite open this last one!

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	tell document 1
		tell page 1
			tell text box 2
				copy (blend of it as list) to strValue
				copy (item 2 of strValue as list) to myList
                                -- This line is where the errors occur
				set strItem to (item 1 of myList as string)
			end tell
		end tell

	end tell
end tell

The exact error message is Can’t make <> “Black” of document “xxx.qxp” of < 2 of <> 1 of document 1 of application “QuarkXPress” into type string.

Any help anyone could provide would be very welcome.



There may be more honest ways of doing this, but something like

set strItem to (item 1 of myList as string)
on error errmsg
set {saveDelims, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "\""}
set strItem to text item 2 of errmsg
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveDelims
end try

may get you what you’re looking for.

Also (alternatively?), upon second look, I think you may want to reparenthesize

(item 1 of myList as string)


(item 1 of myList) as string
  • Dan

Edit: Added “AppleScript’s” since inside a Quark tell block.

Hello Dan,
I’ve tried them, and they don’t work. I tried altering the statement set strItem to (item 1 of myList) as string first, and that altered nothing, and then I tried to capture the error message as you suggested. The lines that deal with saveDelims have no effect on the errmsg, I assume the idea is to catch the error message than to create a list with those items that have quotes around them. As you point out though I’d expect there to be a more legitimate way of doing this, after all we write code that shouldn’t throw errors, or at least we try.

Thanks for the speedy reply,

P.S: I like the quote, I noticed that yesterday, it made me chuckle.

Dan -

How about this?

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	tell document 1
		tell page 1
			tell text box 2
				copy (blend of it as list) to strValue
				set strItem to name of item 2 of strValue
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell	
end tell

strItem is “White” when I try it.

From “Lost Skeleton of Cadavra”, which appeals to my infantile sense of humor :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Dan,
Thanks very much for that. It works a treat.

Many thanks,
